
Please feel free to contact us either by telephone at 800-678-8972 or by email at  for any questions or further information.
If you would like to download Submission and Confidentiality Forms to use in submitting an idea to us please click on the links below:

If you would like to have Submission and Confidentiality Forms sent to you via US MAIL – Please provide your US Postal name and address in any correspondence and use the  email address. You may also call us at the above listed number 800-678-8972.
You may submit your idea either through Email or US MAIL. Be sure to include a Signed Confidentiality and Submission Form with your submission. There are no costs or fees required.

If submitting via regular mail – Please send to:
Creative Group Marketing LLC. – 213 Wire Mill Road – Stamford – Connecticut 06903
Phone (203) 359-3500 – Toll Free 1-800-678-8972

As with all legitimate agents and brokers there are a few rules and conditions, which we have listed below. We ask that you follow and understand these rules and conditions prior to your submitting a product/concept/invention to Creative Group Marketing

1) There are NO review or submission fees required for any concepts/products/inventions submitted to Creative Group Marketing.

2) For your protection a Declaration of Confidentiality is provided. Please fill out, sign and return a copy with your concept/product/invention submission. Be sure to include a brief description and/or the name of your idea on the Confidentiality form.

3) A Concept/Product Data Sheet is provided for your ease of submission. If you do not have a patent or a prototype, please provide us with the appropriate concept/product/invention information on the form. PLEASE BE SURE TO FILL OUT THE FIRST PAGE WITH YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE NUMBER, ETC. regardless of how you are submitting an idea. 

4) All submissions of concepts/products/inventions received by Creative Group Marketing are not subject to return unless prior return is arranged through UPS, FEDEX or Other Like Carrier. Creative Group Marketing will not assume any responsibility for loss or damage while your concept/product/invention is in our possession or in any form of a shipping or postal process. In the event that you have a limited number of prototypes and/or other problems associated with your concept/product/invention then please notify us so that we may attempt to assist you prior to your submission.

5) You may send prototypes, drawings, renderings or whatever else you may feel is appropriate for us to fully realize the potential of your concept/product/invention. Please remember, you want to make the best impression possible, with the most impact. Also remember that sometimes less is more.

6) Within 4 to 8 weeks after receipt of your concept/product you will be notified whether or not it has been accepted or rejected. If your concept/product/invention is accepted we will then offer you a Representation Agreement for you to review with your Counsel. This Agreement allows us to make presentations of your concept/product to business.